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multiple sclerosis 【醫學】多發性硬化。

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Jk rowling , president of the multiple sclerosis society scotland , was today presented with a doctorate of laws by aberdeen university for her generous and philanthropic work aiding multiple sclerosis research 蘇格蘭多發性硬化研究中心的會長jk羅琳,因為以慷慨而博愛的工作幫助多發性硬化的研究,今天獲得了阿伯丁大學授予的榮譽博士頭銜。

Multiple sclerosis ( ms ) is among the most common neurological diseases in young adults , affecting 350 , 000 individuals in the united states and 2 million worldwide , according to background information in the article 根據這篇文章中的背景資料,多發性硬化是青年最常見的神經疾病,在美國有350 , 000個患者,全世界有2 , 000 , 000患者。

Carpal tunnel syndrome , ulna nerve neuritis , etc strokes and some vascular and neurological problem e . g . parkinson s disease , polio , multiple sclerosis , etc 心血管系統病癥如中風偏癱半身不遂呼吸系統病癥如氣管炎肺炎哮喘支氣管擴張等腦部退化病癥如柏金遜癥手腳活動失控等物理治療與藥物治療,里應外合,令復原事半功倍。

The national multiple sclerosis society promotes research , educates , advocates on critical issues , and organizes a wide range of programs , including support for the newly diagnosed and those living with ms over time 國家多發性硬化學會促進相關研究和教育,鼓勵研究重點項目,組織內容廣泛的計劃,包括支持已患和新發病人。

A better understanding of that role could someday help preent the death of neurons behind some diseases of the brain and spinal cord , such as stroke and multiple sclerosis , the scientists say 科學家們表示更好的理解鈣離子所扮演的這一角色有助于我們將來阻止患了像中風,多發性硬化癥之類的腦和脊髓疾病的病人神經元的死亡。

The national multiple sclerosis society promotes research , educates , advocates on critical issues , and organizes a wide range of programs , including support for the newly diagnosed and those living with ms over time 美國)國家多發硬化癥學會:促進有關此議題的研究與教育,組織廣泛的研究計劃,包含支持新患者與長年患者。

Autoimmune disorders such as multiple sclerosis and rheumatoid arthritis arise when white blood cells of the immune system , which arise from the bone marrow , attack the body ' s own tissues 自體免疫疾病的產生,像是多發性硬化癥或風濕性關節炎,是因為源自骨髓的免疫系統的白血球攻擊了自己體內的組織。

Sadly , about 15 years after the book was published , lucy was affected by multiple sclerosis , a disease of the nervous system that left her bedridden and unable to feed herself 不幸的是,在這本書出版大約15年后,露西染上了多發性硬化癥? ?一種神經系統疾病,致使她癱瘓,生活不能自理。

This is not the first study to show a possible relationship between vitamin d and multiple sclerosis but it has provided the clearest evidence of a direct link 這并不是第一個關于維他命d和多發性硬化疾病兩者關系的研究,但這次研究有史以來第一次那么清晰地提供兩者關系的一些證據。

Possibility of gene therapy in the treatment of human multiple sclerosis : the inhibition or blocking effects of adenovirus - transfected ctla - 4ig on the pathologic process of experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis animals 對動物實驗性自身免疫性腦脊髓炎病理過程的抑制或阻斷作用

Stanford , calif . - - the ebb and flow of such autoimmune diseases as multiple sclerosis , lupus and rheumatoid arthritis has long been a perplexing mystery 斯坦福大學,加利弗里亞? ?自身免疫系統疾病如多發性硬化癥,狼瘡和類風濕性關節炎的反復發作長期以來一直是困撓人們心中的謎團。

In treating spinal cord injury , als or multiple sclerosis , the strategy may be to induce stem cells to yield a subset of glial cells called oligodendrocytes 對脊髓損傷、側索硬化肌萎縮癥或多發性硬化癥而言,治療策略是要誘導干細胞去制造神經膠質細胞中一群稱為寡突細胞的細胞。

Marijuana went on sale monday at dutch pharmacies to help bring relief to thousands of patients suffering from cancer , aids or multiple sclerosis 從周一開始,在荷蘭的藥房里都可以買到藥用大麻。這些大麻主要是為了幫助成千上萬的癌癥,艾滋病和多發性硬化患者解除痛苦。

Conclusions patients with childhood - onset multiple sclerosis take longer to reach states of irreversible disability but do so at a younger age than patients with adult - onset multiple sclerosis 結論:兒童期發病多發性硬化到達不可逆殘疾的時間晚1 ,但出現的年齡小。

Philadelphia ) - - a natural substance made from soy appears to have amazing restorative powers when given to animals with a multiple sclerosis ( ms ) - like disease (費城) ?動物實驗顯示:一種從大豆中提取的天然物質對有多發性硬化樣疾病的動物有著令人驚奇的恢復作用。

Philadelphia ) - - a natural substance made from soy appears to hae amazing restoratie powers when gien to animals with a multiple sclerosis ( ms ) - like disease (費城) ?動物實驗顯示:一種從大豆中提取的天然物質對有多發性硬化樣疾病的動物有著令人驚奇的恢復作用。

This flair magnetic resonance imaging ( mri ) scan in transverse view at two levels demonstrates three multiple sclerosis plaques in white matter of the cerebral hemisphere on the left 兩個水平斷面的mri顯示在左側大腦半球的白質區域有三個多發性硬化癥斑塊。

The scientists say their findings could also have implications for understanding the same fundamental mechanism in spinal cord injury , stroke and multiple sclerosis 科學家們聲稱,他們的發現還有助于認識脊髓損傷、中風和多發性硬化的相同的基本原理。

The scientists say their findings could also hae implications for understanding the same fundamental mechanism in spinal cord injury , stroke and multiple sclerosis 科學家們聲稱,他們的發現還有助于認識脊髓損傷、中風和多發性硬化的相同的基本原理。